147 Basic Croatian Words and Phrases for Tourists (with audio)

In this blog post, I will introduce you to more than 147 basic Croatian words that could be very useful during your stay in Croatia.
They will not only make your travel smoother but also help you connect with the friendly locals, enabling you to immerse yourself more deeply in Croatia’s vibrant culture.
The most fascinating words await you at the very end of the post — keep reading for an exciting surprise!
Table of Contents
Basic Croatian Words and Phrases
Basic Croatian words and phrases are your friendly companions while exploring Croatia!
They’ll assist you in starting conversations, being polite, and navigating smoothly.
Whether it’s greeting someone, seeking directions, or ordering tasty food, these phrases will enhance your trip, making it more enjoyable and fostering connections with the friendly locals!
Here is the list of basic words and phrases that you should know:
- Hi! – Bok! [/bohk/] (informal)
- Good day! – Dobar dan! [/doh-bahr dahn/] (formal)
- Thank you! – Hvala! [/h-vah-lah/]
- Please – Molim [/moh-leem/]
- Yes – Da [/dah/]
- No – Ne [/neh/]
- Maybe – Možda [/moh-zh-dah/]
- Excuse me / Sorry – Oprosti [/oh-proh-stee/]
- Goodbye – Doviđenja [/doh-vee-dyeh-nyah/]
- Good morning – Dobro jutro [/doh-broh yoo-troh/]
- Good afternoon – Dobar dan [/doh-bahr dahn/]
- Good evening – Dobra večer [/doh-brah veh-cher/]
- I need help – Trebam pomoć [/treh-bahm poh-mohtch/]
- I’m lost – Izgubio sam se [/eez-goo-byoh sahm seh/]
- Water – Voda [/voh-dah/]
- Food – Hrana [/hrah-nah/]
- Beer – Pivo [/pee-voh/]
- Wine – Vino [/vee-noh/]
- Cheers! – Živjeli! [/zhee-vyeh-lee/]
- Help! – Upomoć! [/oo-poh-mohtch/]
- I don’t understand – Ne razumijem [/neh rah-zoo-mee-yem/]
- My name is Petar – Zovem se Petar [/zoh-vehm seh peh-tahr/]
- How much does this cost? – Koliko ovo košta? [/koh-lee-koh oh-voh koh-shtah/]
- Where is the toilete? – Gdje je toalet? [/gdyeh yeh toh-ah-let/]
- Do you speak English? – Govorite li engleski? [/goh-voh-ree-teh lee ehn-gleh-skee/]
- Can you take a photo for me? – Možete li me fotografirati? [/moh-zheh-teh lee meh foh-toh-grah-tee/]
- What time is it? – Koliko je sati? [/koh-lee-koh yeh sah-tee/]
- One moment, please. – Samo trenutak, molim. [/sah-moh treh-noo-tahk, moh-leem/]
- That’s all, thank you. – To je sve, hvala. [/toh yeh sve, hvah-lah/]
- Can you repeat? – Možeš li ponoviti? [/moh-zes lee poh-noh-vee-tee/]
- Can you recommend a restaurant? – Možete li preporučiti restoran? [/moh-zeh-teh lee preh-poh-roo-chee-tee reh-stoh-rahn/]
Croatian Numbers

Learning numbers in Croatian can significantly enhance your experience as a tourist in Croatia!
It enables you to comprehend prices, shop effortlessly, dine comfortably, and smoothly use public transportation.
Moreover, it’s a great way to connect with locals, ensuring your trip is enjoyable and stress-free.
Here is the list of most important numbers you should know:
- 1 – Jedan [/ye-dahn/]
- 2 – Dva [/dvah/]
- 3 – Tri [/tree/]
- 4 – Četiri [/cheh-tee-ree/]
- 5 – Pet [/peht/]
- 6 – Šest [/shehst/]
- 7 – Sedam [/seh-dahm/]
- 8 – Osam [/oh-sahm/]
- 9 – Devet [/deh-vet/]
- 10 – Deset [/deh-set/]
- 11 – Jedanaest [/ye-dah-nah-ehst/]
- 12 – Dvanaest [/dvah-nah-ehst/] [/ye-dah-nah-ehst/]
- 13 – Trinaest [/tree-nah-ehst/] [/ye-dah-nah-ehst/]
- 14 – Četrnaest [/chehtr-nah-ehst/]
- 15 – Petnaest [/peht-nah-ehst/]
- 16 – Šesnaest [/shehst-nah-ehst/]
- 17 – Sedamnaest [/seh-dahm-nah-ehst/]
- 18 – Osamnaest [/oh-sahm-nah-ehst/]
- 19 – Devetnaest [/deh-vet-nah-ehst/]
- 20 – Dvadeset [/dvah-deh-set/]
- 30 – Trideset [/tree-deh-set/]
- 40 – Četrdeset [/chehtr-deh-set/]
- 50 – Pedeset [/peh-deh-set/]
- 100 – Sto [/stoh/]
- 1,000 – Tisuću [/tee-soo-choo/]
- 10,000 – Deset tisuća [/deh-set tee-soo-cha/]
- 1,000,000 – Milijun [/mee-lee-yoon/]
Croatian Month Names

Understanding month names in Croatian can greatly benefit tourists in Croatia.
It helps with scheduling activities, knowing when festivals and events take place, and communicating effectively with locals.
Learning these month names can enhance your Croatian adventure.
Here is the list of Croatian month names:
- January – Siječanj [/see-yeh-cha-n/]
- February – Veljača [/vel-ya-cha/]
- March – Ožujak [/oh-zhoo-yahk/]
- April – Travanj [/trah-van/]
- May – Svibanj [/svee-bahn/]
- June – Lipanj [/lee-pan/]
- July – Srpanj [/sr-pahn/]
- August – Kolovoz [/koh-loh-vohz/]
- September – Rujan [/roo-yahn/]
- October – Listopad [/lee-stoh-pahd/]
- November – Studeni [/stoo-deh-nee/]
- December – Prosinac [/proh-see-nahts/]
Croatian Days of the Week

Being familiar with the days of the week in Croatian is a handy tool for planning your activities and engaging with locals during your adventures.
It will enhance your trip by making it easier to schedule boat tours, visit markets, and attend cultural events, all while tapping into the knowledge of friendly locals for their insider tips.
Here is the list of Croatian week day names:
- Monday – Ponedjeljak [/poh-neh-dyehl-yahk/]
- Tuesday – Utorak [/oo-toh-rahk/]
- Wednesday – Srijeda [/sree-yeh-dah/]
- Thursday – Četvrtak [/cheht-vuhr-tahk/]
- Friday – Petak [/peh-tahk/]
- Saturday – Subota [/soo-boh-tah/]
- Sunday – Nedjelja [/neh-dyehl-yah/]
Words and Phrases for Greetings

Learning greetings in Croatian is a fantastic way for tourists to connect with the local culture and enhance their experience in Croatia.
Imagine strolling through a local market, spotting a friendly vendor, and greeting them with a warm ‘Dobar dan!’ (Good day).
This simple gesture can create a friendly atmosphere, leading to memorable interactions, positive experiences, and who knows, maybe even a friendly discount.
Here is the list of Croatian words and phrases related to greetings:
- Hello – Bok (informal) [/bohk/]
- Good day / Good afternoon – Dobar dan (formal) [/doh-bahr dahn/]
- Good morning – Dobro jutro [/doh-broh yoo-troh/]
- Good evening – Dobra večer [/doh-brah veh-cher/]
- Hi / Bye – Bok [/bohk/] or Pozdrav [/poz-drahv/]
- Hey – Hej [/heh/]
- How are you? – Kako si? /kah-koh see?/]
- I’m good, thank you – Dobro sam, hvala [/doh-broh sahm, hvah-lah/]
- What is your name? – Kako se zoveš? [/kah-koh seh zoh-vehsh?/]
- My name is Petar – Zovem se Petar [/zoh-vehm seh peh-tahr/]
- What’s up? – Što ima novo? [/shtoh ee-mah noh-voh?/]
- Nice to see you – Drago mi je vidjeti te [/drah-goh mee yeh veed-yeh-tee teh/]
- How’s it going? – Kako ide? [/kah-koh ee-deh?/]
- Good – Dobro [/doh-broh/]
- Excellent – Odlično [/oh-dlee-chnoh/]
- Perfect – Perfektno [/pehr-fehktno/]
- Not so good – Ne baš dobro [/neh bahsh doh-broh/]
- How’s your day? – Kakav ti je dan? (informal) [/kah-kahv tee yeh dahn/]
- Welcome – Dobrodošli [/doh-broh-dohsh-lee/]
- Have a nice day – Ugodan dan [/ooh-goh-dahn dahn/]
- Goodbye – Doviđenja [/doh-vee-dyeh-nyah/]
- See you later – Vidimo se kasnije [/vee-dee-moh seh kahs-nee-yeh/]
- Take care – Pazite se [/pah-zee-teh seh/]
- Thank you – Hvala [/hvah-lah/]
- You’re welcome – Nema na čemu [/neh-mah nah cheh-moo/]
- Excuse me / Sorry – Oprostite [/oh-proh-stee-teh/]
- Pleased to meet you – Drago mi je [/drah-goh mee yeh/]
- Congratulations – Čestitam [/cheh-stee-tahm/]
- Where are you from? – Odakle si? [/oh-dah-kleh see?/]
- I am from Germany – Ja sam iz Njemačke [/yah sahm eez nyeh-mahch-keh/]
Words and Phrases when Asking for Directions and Transportation

Knowing Words and Phrases for asking directions and using transportation in Croatian can greatly enhance your experience while traveling in Croatia.
These phrases enable you to easily navigate the country, seek help when needed, and make your journey more enjoyable and convenient.
Here is the list of Croatian words and phrases related to asking for directions and transportation:
- Airplane – Avion [/ah-vee-ohn/]
- Airport – Zračna luka [/zra-ch-nah loo-kah/]
- Bus – Autobus [/ow-toh-boos/]
- Train – Vlak [/vlahk/]
- Bus station – Autobusni kolodvor [/ow-toh-boo-snee koh-loh-dvor/]
- Train station – Željeznički kolodvor [/zhel-yehz-neech-kee koh-loh-dvor/]
- Bank – Banka [/bahn-kah/]
- Hotel – Hotel [/hoh-tel/]
- Apartment – Stan [/stahn/]
- Rent a car – Najam automobila [/nyah-yahm ow-toh-moh-bee-lah/]
- Ticket – Karta [/kar-tah/]
- Money – Novac [/noh-vats/]
- To the right – Desno [/dehs-noh/]
- To the left – Lijevo [/lee-yeh-voh/]
- Straight ahead – Ravno [/rahv-noh/]
- At the corner – Na uglu [/nah oog-loo/]
- Train – Vlak [/vlahk/]
- Street – Ulica [/oo-lee-tsah/]
- Bank – Banka [/bahn-kah/]
- Bathroom – Kupaonica [/koo-pah-oh-nee-tsah/]
- It’s there – To je tamo [/toh yeh tah-moh/]
- Upstairs – Na katu [/nah kah-too/]
- Downstairs – Dolje [/dohl-yeh/]
- Back – Natrag [/naht-rahg/]
- Please stop here – Molim vas, zaustavite ovdje [/moh-leem vahs, zah-oos-tah-vee-te ohv-dyeh/]
- North – Sjever [/sye-vehr/]
- South – Jug [/yoog/]
- East – Istok [/ees-tohk/]
- West – Zapad [/zah-paht/]
- City center – Centar grada [/tsehn-tahr grah-dah/]
- Please bring me to this address – Molim vas, odvezite me na ovu adresu [/moh-leem vahs, oh-dveh-zeeteh meh nah oh-voo ah-dreh-soo/]
- To the train station, please – Molim vas, do vlak stanice [/moh-leem vahs, doh vlahk stah-nee-tseh/]
- To the airport, please – Molim vas, do zračne luke [/moh-leem vahs, doh zra-ch-neh loo-keh/]
- Where? – Gdje? [/gd-yeh/]
- Is it nearby? – Je li blizu [/yeh lee blee-zoo/]
- Is it far away? – Je li daleko [/yeh lee dah-leh-koh/]
- Where is the bus stop? – Gdje je autobusna stanica [/gd-yeh yeh ow-toh-boo-snah stah-nee-tsah/]
- To where does this bus go? – Kamo ide ovaj autobus [/kah-moh ee-deh oh-vahy ow-toh-boos/]
- How much is it? – Koliko košta [/koh-lee-koh koh-shta/]
- Where is the train station? – Gdje je željeznički kolodvor [/gd-yeh yeh zheh-lyehz-neech-kee koh-loh-dvor/]
- Where is a restaurant? – Gdje je restoran [/gd-yeh yeh reh-stoh-rahn/]
- I’m looking for a hotel – Tražim hotel [/trah-zheem hoh-tel/]
- I need a hotel – Trebam hotel [/treh-bahm hoh-tel/]
- I need a room – Trebam sobu [/treh-bahm soh-boo/]
- Where is the currency exchange? – Gdje je mjenjačnica [/gd-yeh yeh myen-yahch-nee-tsah/]
- Where is the bank? – Gdje je banka [/gd-yeh yeh bahn-kah/]
- Where is the best supermarket? – Gdje je najbolji supermarket [/gd-yeh yeh nai-bohl-yee soo-pahr-mahr-ket/]
- Where is the best shopping mall? – Gdje je najbolji trgovački centar [/gd-yeh yeh nai-bohl-yee tr-goh-vahch-kee tsehn-tahr/]
- Where is the bedt bakery? – Gdje je najbolja pekara [/gd-yeh yeh nai-bohl-yee peh-kah-rah/]
- Where is the nearest gas station? – Gdje je najbliža benzinska postaja [/gd-yeh yeh nai-blee-zhah ben-zin-skah poh-stah-yah/]
- Can you show me on the map? – Možete li mi pokazati na karti [/moh-zheh-teh lee mee poh-kah-zah-tee nah kar-tee/]
- May I have a city map, please? – Mogu li dobiti kartu grada, molim [/moh-goo lee doh-bee-tee kar-too grah-dah, moh-leem/]
- Is the airport far away? – Je li zračna luka daleko [/yeh lee zra-ch-nah loo-kah dah-leh-koh/]
Words and Phrases Related to Food

Learning words and phrases related to food in Croatian is not only important but also a delightful way to explore the flavors and traditions of Croatia.
It enables tourists to enjoy local cuisine, enhance their dining experiences, and connect with the culture in a deliciously friendly manner.
For instance, when ordering dishes at a local restaurant or understanding menu options, these phrases become invaluable.
Here is the list of Croatian words and phrases related to food:
- Ice Cream / Gelato – Sladoled [/slah-doh-lehd/]
- Food – Hrana [/hra-nah/]
- Meal – Obrok [/oh-brohk/]
- Breakfast – Doručak [/doh-roo-chahk/]
- Lunch – Ručak [/roo-chahk/]
- Dinner – Večera [/veh-cheh-rah/]
- Snack – Grickalica [/gree-kah-lee-tsah/]
- Appetizer – Predjelo [/preh-dyeh-loh/]
- Main course – Glavno jelo [/glahv-noh yeh-loh/]
- Dessert – Desert [/deh-zehrt/]
- Cake – Torta [/tohr-tah/]
- Soup – Juha [/yoo-hah/]
- Salad – Salata [/sah-lah-tah/]
- Bread – Kruh [/krooh/]
- Cheese – Sir [/seer/]
- Meat – Meso [/meh-soh/]
- Beef – Govedina [/goh-veh-dee-nah/]
- Pork – Svinjetina [/svee-nyeh-tee-nah/]
- Chicken – Piletina [/pee-leh-tee-nah/]
- Fish – Riba [/ree-bah/]
- Vegetables – Povrće [/poh-vr-cheh/]
- Fruits – Voće [/voh-cheh/]
- Rice – Riža [/ree-zhah/]
- Pasta – Tjestenina [/tyehs-teh-nee-nah/]
- Sauce – Umak [/oo-mahk/]
- Olive oil – Maslinovo ulje [/mahs-lee-noh-voh ool-yeh/]
- Vinegar – Ocat [/o-tsahht/]
- Salt – Sol [/sohl/]
- Pepper – Papar [/pah-pahr/]
- Sugar – Šećer [/sheh-chehr/]
- Water – Voda [/voh-dah/]
- Coffee – Kava [/kah-vah/]
- Tea – Čaj [/chahy/]
- Milk – Mlijeko [/mlye-yeh-koh/]
- Beer – Pivo [/pee-voh/]
- Wine – Vino [/vee-noh/]
- Small grilled sausages – Ćevapi [/cheh-vah-pee/]
- Traditional dish with meat and vegetables – Peka [/peh-kah/]
- Risotto – Rižot [/ree-zhoht/]
- Prosciutto – Pršut [/pr-shoot/]
- Slow-cooked beef stew – Pašticada [/pahs-tee-tsah-dah/]
- Small doughnuts – Fritule [/free-too-leh/]
- Pancakes – Palačinke [/pah-lah-cheen-keh/]
- Savory pastry – Burek [/boo-rehk/]
- Truffle dishes – Jela s tartufima [/yeh-lah s tahr-too-fee-mah/]
- Cheese-filled pastry – Štrukli [/shtroo-klee/]
- Seafood Platter – Plata morskih plodova [/plah-tah mohr-skee plaw-doh-vah/]
- Meat stew – Gulaš [/goo-lahsh/]
- Fish stew – Brodet [/broh-deht/]
- Grilled skewers – Ražnjići [/rahzh-nee-chee/]
- Salted codfish – Bakalar [/bah-kah-lahr/]
- Spicy sausage from Slavonia region – Kulen [/koo-lehn/]
- Red pepper relish – Ajvar [/ahy-vahr/]
- Cream cake – Kremšnita [/krems-knee-tah/]
- Traditional fruit brandy – Rakija [/rah-kee-yah/]
Words and Phrases at the Restaurant and Cafe

Getting to know words and phrases for dining in Croatian can add a delightful layer to your experience in Croatia.
These phrases not only ensure a smooth dining adventure but also open doors to building warm relationships with local staff.
This can potentially lead to special bonuses, additional services, and even the possibility of forming long-lasting friendships during your visit.
Here is the list of Croatian words and phrases to use in restaurants and cafes:
- Water – Voda [/voh-dah/]
- Sparkling water – Gazirana voda [/gah-zee-rah-nah voh-dah/]
- Waiter – Konobar [/koh-noh-bahr/]
- Waitress – Konobarica [/koh-noh-bah-ree-tsah/]
- The check, please – Račun, molim [/rah-choon, moh-leem/]
- Cheers – Živjeli [/zhee-vyeh-lee/]
- Enjoy your meal – Uživajte u obroku [/oo-zhee-vah-yeh-teh oo oh-broh-koo/]
- Spicy – Ljuto [/lyoo-toh/]
- Sweet – Slatko [/slaht-koh/]
- Sour – Kiselo [/kee-seh-loh/]
- Napkin – Servijeta [/sehr-vee-yeh-tah/]
- Plate – Tanjur [/tahn-yoor/]
- Fork – Vilica [/vee-lee-tsah/]
- Spoon – Žlica [/zhlee-tsah/]
- Knife – Nož [/nohz/]
- Glass – Čaša [/chah-shah/]
- Cup – Šalica [/shah-lee-tsah/]
- Men – Muškarci [/moosh-kahr-tsee/]
- Women – Žene [/zh-yeh-neh/]
- Vegetarian – Vegetarijanac [/veh-geh-tah-ree-yah-nahts/]
- Tap water – Voda iz pipe [/voh-dah eez pee-peh/]
- Another one, please! – Još jedno, molim [/yosh yehd-noh, moh-leem/]
- Where is the bathroom? – Gdje je WC? [/gd-yeh yeh w-kay/]
- A table for two, please – Stol za dvoje, molim [/stohl zah dvoh-yeh, moh-leem/]
- I reserved a table – Rezervirao/la sam stol [/reh-zehr-vee-rah-oh/lah sahm stohl/]
- Can I see the menu, please? – Mogu li vidjeti jelovnik, molim? [/moh-goo lee veed-yeh-tee yeh-lohv-neek, moh-leem/]
- Can I see the wine list, please? – Mogu li vidjeti popis vina, molim? [/moh-goo lee veed-yeh-tee poh-pees vee-nah, moh-leem/]
- I would like a pizza – Želio/la bih pizzu [/zheh-lee-oh/lah bee peet-sah/]
- Can we order? – Možemo li naručiti? [/moh-zheh-moh lee nah-roo-chee-tee/]
- What’s the difference between gulaš and fish stew? – Koji je razlika između gulaša i riblje juhe? [/koh-yee yeh rahz-lee-kah eez-meh-joo goo-lah-shah ee ree-blyeh chor-beh/]
- Is that gluten-free? – Je li to bez glutena? [/yeh lee toh behz gloo-teh-nah/]
- A glass of water, please – Čašu vode, molim [/chah-shoo voh-deh, moh-leem/]
- Can I have a receipt, please? – Mogu li dobiti račun, molim? [/moh-goo lee doh-bee-tee rah-choon, moh-leem/]
Words and Phrases for Accommodation

Being familiar with Words and Phrases related to accommodation in Croatian is like having a personal guide for a comfortable and stress-free stay in Croatia.
Whether you’re checking in, expressing your room preferences, or seeking insider recommendations from the hotel staff, these phrases are your go-to tools for making your visit as cozy and enjoyable as possible.
Inquiring about travel tips or arranging a late check-out? These expressions also add a touch of friendliness to every interaction.
Here is the list of Croatian words and phrases related to accommodation:
- Hotel – Hotel [/hoh-tehl/]
- Room – Soba [/soh-bah/]
- Apartment – Apartman [/ah-pahrt-mahn/]
- Bed – Krevet [/kreh-vet/]
- Night – Noć [/noh-ch/]
- Day – Dan [/dahn/]
- Pool – Bazen [/bah-zen/]
- Room service – Posluga u sobi [/pohs-loo-gah oo soh-bee/]
- View – Pogled [/poh-gled/]
- A balcony – Balkon [/bah-lkohn/]
- Terrace – Krovna terasa [/teh-rah-sah/]
- Gym – Teretana [/teh-reh-tah-nah/]
- Beach – Plaža [/plah-zhah/]
- Lobby – Hol [/hohl/]
- The swimming pool – Bazenski kompleks [/bah-zen-skee kohm-plehks/]
- Air conditioning – Klima uređaj [/klee-mah oo-reh-dyahy/]
- Television – Televizija [/teh-leh-vee-zee-yah/]
- An extra bed – Dodatni krevet [/doh-dah-tni kreh-vet/]
- Sea view – Pogled na more [/poh-gled nah moh-reh/]
- City view – Pogled na grad [/poh-gled nah grahd/]
- I have a reservation under the name of Perković – Imam rezervaciju na ime Perković [/ee-mahm reh-zehr-vah-tsee-yoo nah ee-meh Per-koh-veech/]
- One night – Jedna noć [/yehd-nah noch/]
- Two nights – Dvije noći [/dvee-yeh noh-chee/]
- Three nights – Tri noći [/tree noh-chee/]
- A room with a double bed – Soba s bračnim krevetom [/soh-bah s brah-chee-yehm kreh-veh-tohm/]
- Where is the pool? – Gdje je bazen? [/gd-yeh yeh bah-zen/]
- What time is breakfast? – U koliko sati je doručak? [/oo koh-lee-koh sah-tee yeh doh-roo-chahk/]
- Can I request a late check-out? – Mogu li zatražiti kasni odjavak? [/moh-goo lee zah-trah-zhee-tee kahs-nee oh-dyah-vahk/]
- Do you have room service? – Imate li poslugu u sobi? [/ee-mah-teh lee pohs-loo-goo oo soh-bee/]
- What is the WiFi password? – Koja je lozinka za WiFi? [/koh-yah yeh loh-zee-nkah zah WiFi/]
Words and Phrases while Shopping and at the Market

Having a few handy words and phrases for shopping and exploring Croatian markets can make a real difference for tourists.
It’s not just about purchasing souvenirs; it’s about sparking friendly interactions with local vendors, haggling with a smile at lively street markets, and gaining insider tips from charming local shops.
These experiences add up to a fun and culturally enriching shopping adventure!
Here is the list of Croatian words and phrases to use at the market:
- Money – Novac [/noh-vats/]
- Cash – Gotovina [/goh-toh-vee-nah/]
- Credit card – Kreditna kartica [/kree-deet-nah kahr-tee-tsah/]
- Pay – Platiti [/plah-tee-tee/]
- Small – Mali [/mah-lee/]
- Big – Velik [/veh-leek/]
- Open – Otvoreno [/oh-tvoh-reh-noh/]
- Close – Zatvoreno [/zah-tvoh-reh-noh/]
- Shop – Trgovina [/tr-goh-vee-nah/]
- Keep the change – Uredu je [/oo-reh-doo yeh/]
- Contactless payment – Bezkontaktno plaćanje [/behz-kohn-tahktnoh plah-chah-nyeh/]
- Do you have souvenirs? – Imate li suvenire? [/ee-mah-teh lee soo-veh-nee-reh/]
- Do you sell magnets? – Prodajete li magnete? [/proh-dah-ye-teh lee mahg-neh-teh/]
- How much is it? – Koliko košta? [/koh-lee-koh koh-shtah/]
- I can only pay 3 euros – Mogu platiti samo 3 eura [/moh-goo plah-tee-tee sah-moh 3 oo-rah/]
- Can I buy that for 2 euros? – Mogu li kupiti to za 2 eura? [/moh-goo lee koo-pee-tee toh zah 2 oo-rah/]
- I only have 6 euros with me – Imam samo 6 eura [/ee-mahm sah-moh 6 oo-rah/]
- Do you have that in a smaller size? – Imate li to u manjoj veličini? [/ee-mah-teh lee toh oo mahn-yoy veh-lee-chee-nee/]
- Do you have that in a bigger size? – Imate li to u većoj veličini? [/ee-mah-teh lee toh oo veh-choy veh-lee-chee-nee/]
- What time does the shop open? – U koje vrijeme trgovina otvara? [/oo koh-yeh vree-yeh-meh tr-goh-vee-nah oht-vah-rah/]
- What time does the shop close? – U koje vrijeme trgovina zatvara? [/oo koh-yeh vree-yeh-meh tr-goh-vee-nah zah-tvah-rah/]
- What would you like? – Što želite? [/shtoh zheh-lee-teh/]
- What are you looking for? – Što tražite? [/shtoh trah-zhee-teh/]
- May I pay with cash? – Mogu li platiti gotovinom? [/moh-goo lee plah-tee-tee goh-toh-vee-noh-moh/]
- May I pay with a credit card? – Mogu li platiti kreditnom karticom? [/moh-goo lee plah-tee-tee kree-deet-nom kahr-tee-tsohm/]
Words and Phrases in Emergency

I hope you won’t need to use them, but having words and phrases related to emergencies in Croatian at your fingertips is invaluable for tourists in Croatia.
They serve as a lifeline in challenging situations, ensuring your safety, well-being, and quick issue resolution.
This provides peace of mind and a sense of support in unfamiliar territory.
Here is the list of Croatian words and phrases to use in an emergency:
- Help! – Upomoć! [/oo-poh-mohtch/]
- Emergency – Hitan slučaj [/hee-tahn sloo-chahy/]
- Call the police – Pozovite policiju [/poh-zoh-vee-teh poh-lee-tsee-yoo/]
- Call an ambulance – Pozovite hitnu pomoć [/poh-zoh-vee-teh heet-noo poh-mohtch/]
- Fire – Požar [/poh-zhar/]
- Telephone – Telefon [/teh-leh-fohn/]
- Police – Policija [/poh-lee-tsee-yah/]
- Ambulance – Hitna pomoć [/heet-nah poh-mohtch/]
- Hospital – Bolnica [/bohl-nee-tsah/]
- Doctor – Liječnik [/lee-yehch-neek/]
- Dentist – Zubar [/zoo-bahr/]
- A cold – Prehlada [/preh-lah-dah/]
- Sore throat – Bolno grlo [/bohl-noh gr-loh/]
- Cough – Kašalj [/kah-sh-ahly/]
- Fever – Groznica [/grohz-nee-tsah/]
- Headache – Glavobolja [/glah-voh-bohl-yah/]
- Stomachache – Bol u trbuhu [/bohl oo tr-boo-hoo/]
- Backache – Bol u leđima [/bohl oo leh-jee-mah/]
- Hangover – Mamurluk [/mah-moor-look/]
- Allergy – Alergija [/ah-lehr-gee-yah/]
- Firefighters – Vatrogasci [/vah-troh-gahs-tsee/]
- Accident – Nesreća [/nehs-reh-chah/]
- Pharmacy – Ljekarna [/lyeh-kahr-nah/]
- I need a doctor – Trebam liječnika [/treh-bahm lee-yehch-nee-kah/]
- I’m lost – Izgubio/izgubila sam se [/eez-goo-byoh/eez-goo-bee-lah sahm seh/]
- I’ve been robbed – Opljačkan/oljačkana sam [/oh-plee-yahch-kahn/ohl-ya-ch-kah-nah sahm/]
- Can you help me? – Možete li mi pomoći? [/moh-zheh-teh lee mee poh-moh-chee/]
- Where is the nearest hospital? – Gdje je najbliža bolnica? [/gd-yeh yeh nigh-blee-zhah bohl-nee-tsah/]
- I need the police – Trebam policiju [/treh-bahm poh-lee-tsee-yoo/]
- My passport was stolen – Ukraden mi je putovnica [/ook-rah-den mee yeh poo-toh-vee-tsah/]
- I’ve had an accident – Imala/imalo sam nesreću [/ee-mah-lah/ee-mah-loh sahm nehs-reh-ch-oo/]
- I feel sick / I’m not feeling well – Ne osjećam se dobro [/neh ohs-yeh-chahm seh doh-broh/]
- Please call for help – Molim vas pozovite pomoć [/moh-leem vahs poh-zoh-vee-teh poh-moh-ch/]
- I’m allergic to beans – Alergičan/alergična sam na grašak [/ah-lehr-gee-chan/ah-lehr-gee-chnah sahm nah grah-shahk/]
- I’ve lost my wallet – Izgubio/izgubila sam novčanik [/eez-goo-byoh/eez-goo-bee-lah sahm noh-vchah-neek/]
- It’s an emergency – Hitno je [/heet-noh yeh/]
- Where is the pharmacy? – Gdje je ljekarna? [/gd-yeh yeh lyeh-kahr-nah/]
- Do I need a prescription? – Trebam li recept? [/treh-bahm lee reh-tsehpt/]
- Doctor’s appointment – Termin kod liječnika [/teh-rmeen kohd lee-yehch-nee-kah/]
- Can I use your phone? – Mogu li koristiti vaš telefon? [/moh-goo lee koh-rees-tee-tee vahsh te-leh-fohn/]
Words and Phrases for Holidays

When you visit Croatia during Christmas and New Year, it’s like stepping into a winter wonderland.
Understanding Words and Phrases related to holidays in Croatian isn’t just about appreciating the local culture; it’s about joining in the celebrations.
Imagine yourself sharing a hearty “Sretan Božić!” (Merry Christmas) or “Sretna Nova godina!” (Happy New Year) with the friendly locals as you enjoy festive markets and seasonal treats.
It’s a fantastic way to connect, create unforgettable memories, and truly immerse yourself in the holiday spirit.
Here is the list of Croatian words and phrases to use during the holidays:
- Holiday – Praznik [/prahz-neek/]
- Christmas – Božić [/boh-zheech/]
- New Year – Nova godina [/noh-vah goh-dee-nah/]
- Easter – Uskrs [/ooskrs/]
- Thanksgiving – Dan zahvalnosti [/dahn zah-hvahl-nohs-tee/]
- Valentine’s Day – Dan zaljubljenih [/dahn zah-lyoo-blee-nyeh/]
- Halloween – Noć vještica [/nohch vyesh-tee-tsah/]
- Birthday – Rođendan [/roh-jehn-dahn/]
- Anniversary – Godišnjica [/goh-deesh-nyee-tsah/]
- Party – Parti / Zabava [/pahr-tee / zah-bah-vah/]
- Gift – Poklon [/pohk-lohn/]
- Decorations – Ukrasi [/oohk-rah-see/]
- Fireworks – Vatromet [/vaht-roh-met/]
- Santa Claus – Djed Mraz [/dyehd mrahz/]
- Easter Bunny – Uskrsni zec [/ooskrs-nee zehch/]
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! – Sretan Božić i Nova godina! [/sreht-ahn boh-zheech ee noh-vah goh-dee-nah/]
- Cheers! – Živjeli! [/zhee-vye-lee/]
- Family gathering – Obiteljsko okupljanje [/oh-bee-tehl-sko oh-koo-plee-ah-nyeh/]
- Toast – Nazdravlje [/nahz-drahv-lyeh/]
- Carols – Božićne pjesme [/boh-zheet-sneh pyehs-meh/]
- Christmas tree – Božićno drvce [/boh-zheech-no dhrv-tseh/]
- Advent – Došašće [/doh-shahsh-ch-eh/]
- New Year’s resolution – Novogodišnja odluka [/noh-voh-goh-deesh-nyah oh-dloo-kah/]
- Champagne – Šampanjac [/shahm-pah-nyats/]
- Countdown – Brojanje unatrag [/broh-yahn-yeh oo-nah-trahg/]
- Happy Birthday! – Sretan rođendan! [/sreht-ahn roh-yehn-dahn/]
- Merry Christmas! – Sretan Božić! [/sreht-ahn boh-zheech/]
- Happy New Year! – Sretna Nova godina! [/sreht-nah noh-vah goh-dee-nah/]
- Congratulations! – Čestitam! [/cheh-stee-tahm/]
- Happy Easter! – Sretan Uskrs! [/sreht-ahn ooskrs/]
- Happy Valentine’s Day! – Sretan Dan zaljubljenih! [/sreht-ahn dahn zah-lyoo-blee-nyeh/]
Words and Phrases for Having Fun

You’ll find that knowing Words and Phrases for having fun in Croatian is like having a local friend show you the best time in town.
These phrases aren’t just about fun; they’re your key to experiencing the heart and soul of Croatia.
Whether you’re dancing at a festival, trying thrilling water sports, or exploring the vibrant nightlife, these words and phrases will help you connect with locals who can lead you to unforgettable adventures and experiences that go beyond the typical tourist trail.
Here is the list of Croatian words and phrases that will ensure you experience unforgettable moments during your stay in Croatia:
- Hot springs – Toplice [/toh-plee-tseh/]
- Amusement park – Zabavni park [/zah-bahv-nee park/]
- Bowling – Kuglanje [/koo-glah-nyeh/]
- Cinema – Kino [/kee-noh/]
- Rafting – Rafting [/rahf-ting/]
- Bicycling – Bicikliranje [/bee-tseek-lee-rah-nyeh/]
- Sailing – Jedrenje [/yehd-reh-nyeh/]
- Hiking – Planinarenje [/plah-nee-nah-reh-nyeh/]
- Is there a bar around here? – Ima li ovdje bar? [/ee-mah lee oh-vdyeh bahr/]
- Where are the clubs? – Gdje su klubovi? [/gd-yeh soo klub-oh-vee/]
- What time do the clubs open? – U koje vrijeme klubovi otvaraju? [/oo koh-yeh vryeh-meh klub-oh-vee oht-vah-rah-yoo/]
- Can you recommend me a place? – Možete li mi preporučiti mjesto? [/moh-zheh-teh lee mee preh-poh-roo-chee-tee myehs-toh/]
- Do you want to dance with me? – Želiš li plesati sa mnom? [/zheh-lee-sh lee pleh-sah-tee sah mnohm/]
- Let’s dance! – Hajdemo plesati! [/hahy-meh-moh pleh-sah-tee/]
- Can you recommend me something fun to do tonight? – Možete li mi preporučiti nešto zabavno za večeras? [/moh-zheh-teh lee mee preh-poh-roo-chee-tee neh-shtoh zah-bahv-noh zah vye-ch-eh-rahs/]
- Are there any seats available? – Ima li slobodnih mjesta? [/ee-mah lee sloh-bohd-neeh myehs-tah/]
- Can you get me a ticket? – Možete li mi nabaviti ulaznicu? [/moh-zheh-teh lee mee nah-bah-vee-tee oo-lah-znee-tsoo/]